The Spread of Bird Flu: Unraveling the Origins and Impact
Discover the evolution of the bird flu virus in “Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching” by Dr. Greger. Learn about prevention and current outbreaks.
The long history of the influenza virus traces back to its origins as a harmless intestinal virus in wild ducks. But what caused this innocuous duck virus to evolve into a deadly strain with pandemic potential? Dr. Michael Greger explores the human impact on this transformation in his renowned book, “Bird Flu: A Virus of Our Own Hatching.”
For an in-depth look at Dr. Greger’s insights, you can access the full text of “Bird Flu” for free on As we witness new cases of bird flu emerging in 2025, the need to understand the history and causes of animal-to-human diseases becomes increasingly urgent.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Greger revisited his groundbreaking research and released an updated and expanded book, “How to Survive a Pandemic.” This comprehensive guide delves into infectious zoonotic diseases and offers valuable insights on how to navigate these global health threats. You can find a copy at your local library or make a purchase online.
To gain a deeper understanding of these complex issues, consider watching Dr. Greger’s informative videos that shed light on the evolution of viruses and the importance of pandemic preparedness. Embracing this knowledge is crucial in safeguarding public health and preventing future outbreaks.
Published on: 2025-03-14 12:00:00 | Author: Michael Greger M.D. FACLM